My Letter to the Electoral College

save-us_smallDear Elector,

As a concerned citizen and true patriot, I am writing to you in your capacity as a presidential elector.  Our presidential election system empowers the electors to use their wise judgment to choose our president.  As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Paper 68: “The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” Donald Trump continues to demonstrate that he lacks the requisite qualifications. He has continually demonstrated behavior that is contrary to the principles of our Constitution.

            The 1st Amendment. Regarding freedom of press, Trump has continually expressed disdain for the Press, and has threatened to weaken libel protections and has threatened lawsuits against journalists. He blacklisted news organizations from covering his campaign if they reported stories that were not flattering to his persona. Regarding the right of the people to peaceably assemble, Trump’s opinion of the Chinese government’s brutal response to the peaceful prodemocracy Tiananmen Square protest of 1989, was to praise the government for its “strong” response, a response that killed 500 to 1000 protesters.

            The 8th Amendment. Regarding cruel and unusual punishments inflicted, Trump has endorsed bringing back waterboarding, and he has endorsed killing the families of those who he regards as terrorists.

            The Declaration of Independence. Regarding all men are created equal, Trump has mocked the disabled, humiliated women, slandered Mexican Americans, and exploited undocumented workers.

            The Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Regarding baring officers from receiving profit or gain from foreign powers, there are many ways in which Trump would potentially violate this clause, from his hotel in D.C. to his continued involvement in his global Organization. He still refuses to release his tax returns so we don’t know the full range of his international investments. He has so far refused to place his companies in a true blind trust, so we cannot have confidence that Trump would not use the presidency to enrich himself.

            Federalist Papers: free of foreign force and influence. Trump’s favorable opinion of Putin, his financial ties (and those of his proposed cabinet) with Russia, and his use of Russian-hacking data during the campaign are extremely alarming. Trump intimated before the election that he might not defend NATO countries in Russia’s path of invasion. Now, after the election, Russia continues its military buildup along the NATO border. During the campaign, he used the hacked data to his benefit. He dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian government, but Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said there had been communications with influential people in Trump’s circle. Now the CIA has determined that Russia was actively attempting to sway the American election to Trump. Trump’s response is to ignore such intelligence and impugn the integrity of U.S. intelligence officials, stating the claim is ridiculous and partisan.

            Federalist Papers: presidency to not fall to man not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Trump’s temperament and habits of communication are of great concern. He has lashed out via Twitter against those who have expressed disagreement with him or have challenged him. He is prone to impetuous and vindictive behavior. How can he be trusted to communicate with Heads of State? Before even taking office, he has caused havoc with our international relations with China through his provocative communications with the president of Taiwan. He continues to decline most intelligence briefings, which leaves him ill prepared to handle threats to our country.

If you have supported Donald Trump previously, I urge you to reexamine your position based on all the above reasons. It is not hyperbole to say that our democratic system may not be able to withstand a Trump presidency. I urge you as a Patriot to put country above party and block Donald Trump from the presidency by denying him the 270 electoral votes required. Use the power intended for the Electoral College to preserve our Republic; save it from the possibility of an authoritarian and treasonous Trump presidency. Vote for a qualified alternate person who will have a chance of winning the vote for presidency in the House of Representatives.


Margaret Lange

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